Look at The Chances of Hypertension can controlled

To be able to avoid and handle hypertension, it takes some type of perception of the risk of hypertension and how possible occur. In this writing, I try to take apart risk variables into two groups, risk may be treated and prevented, and risks that are unable to avoided. In fact, improvements in way of life and food intake adjustments daily is able to reduce the risk of hypertension that are unable to avoided.

High blood pressure risk factors that unable to eliminate

Age - With increasing age, the risk of developing high blood pressure will increase. As we get older, the flexibility of blood vessels also goes down besides a decrease in routines. Body is rarely active generating the blood vessels cannot spread out leading to constriction of arteries. This will result in increased blood pressure since flow of blood is not obstructed and properly.

Genetics or heredity - Determined by analysis of doctors, high blood pressure are able to brought in the genetic. If in your family, your close relative, or your parents, some have high blood pressure then you may have more risk of getting hypertension.

Tribal and cultural - This might not medically proven, but some facts to show that the ethnic African Americans have a higher risk of developing hypertension, heart attack and stroke. There is absolutely no precise reports to support this conclusion.

Risk factors for high blood pressure can be controlled

Limiting and minimizing the consumption of alcoholic beverages - When people sit and drink two or three glasses of alcoholic beverages, the blood pressure will begin to elevate slowly. Habit of drinking alcoholic beverages daily and increasing age, make the risk of high blood pressure higher. Besides, the past due medication will further mess with the circumstance. Adjusting way of life to keep away from alcohol is the answer to avoid the risk of hypertension, heart attack and stroke.

Blood sugar levels and diabetes - Diabetes is also among the diseases, that are sometimes difficult to manage. People with diabetes have a higher risk of developing high blood pressure. Daily diet with natural foods and healthy eating can help normalize blood sugar level and blood pressure.

High cholesterol levels in the blood - Snacks containing fat in huge doses. Fat consumed constantly will collect in the body. Fat accumulated and cannot be processed by the body's metabolic process will be deposited in the blood. This makes the deposition of veins shrinking and interfere flow of blood in the body. Blood pressure will elevate significantly and cause heart attacks.

Usage of salt and foods containing salt - A few patients with hypertension are very sensitive to salt. Their blood pressure increases quickly simply by consuming salt in very small amounts. Salt retain body fluids. Reduce consumption of salt per day is a step to minimize the risk of high blood pressure.

Routines that are not actively moving - Regular exercise every day making a smooth blood circulation and maintain blood pressure remains within normal limits. Daily routines are not active would trigger high blood pressure, because the circulation of blood flow is reduced. Inactive daily routine also lead to obesity.

Obesity - Why is obesity closely linked to hypertension? Excess weight forcing the body’s metabolic system provides oxygen and nutrients in greater amounts to distribute throughout the body. This will increase pressure on the walls of blood vessels because the capacity of the material carried in the blood increases. Research shows that people with weight limit of 30% above ideal weight have a greater risk of developing hypertension.

Irregular eating patterns and unhealthy - habits consume junk food and drinks contain carbohydrates it will worsen the condition of patients with hypertension. That looks delicious food is not necessarily healthy. Changing your diet can help reduce the risk of high cholesterol. Natural foods and healthy eating that contain lots of potassium, calcium, vitamins and antioxidants will keep your body in healthy and dynamic conditions, and prevent the occurrence of hypertension

Smoking habits - Content of the substances in tobacco can damage blood vessel walls. Smoking and increasing age increase the risk of high blood pressure and some other dangerous and deadly diseases. Eliminating the smoking habit is not easy if the habit has formed many years. However, to reduce it and finally be free of cigarettes will make the body more healthy and fresh.

Stress and depression - Stress is a psychological condition that triggers high blood pressure. Conditions of stress and anger trigger the heart to pump blood in excess, which causes blood pressure to increase rapidly.

Kidney Disease - Kidney has an important role in the regulation of blood circulation. Kidney disease always closely connected with the problem of hypertension.

By knowing and understanding, the multiple factors that can controlled, expected to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Changes in lifestyle and daily diets are main key to avoid hypertension.

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